Benefits of Security Awareness Training

There are a variety of benefits to a cybersecurity awareness training program for end users, both for small and medium-sized businesses and managed service providers (MSPs). To begin with, signing your team up for cybersecurity training will ensure that everyone is on the same page as far as understanding and complying with any regulations applicable to your industry. Second, it ensures end users are aware of online risks and the types of web content and behaviors to avoid, helping to reduce the likelihood of a breach. Additionally, it streamlines operation procedures and courses of action if a breach is successful.

As an example, email phishing scams continue to be effective, and are one of the preferred methods hackers use to gain access credentials, infiltrate networks, steal sensitive data, and launch malware or ransomware. Today’s phishing emails are much more sophisticated than the “Nigerian Prince” scams of old and are designed to take advantage of end users’ trust, gullibility, and even their desire to perform well at work.

If your employees have been taught how to identify suspicious emails, both within the work environment and in personal settings, the company will be much less likely to fall victim to this type of attack.

Cybersecurity training can also help to save you money, since it helps you reduce the number of breaches that need to be remediated, the amount of downtime and man-hours spent on post-infection recovery, and even the number of ransoms you must pay hackers to get ransomed data back.

Additionally, if a breach does occur, customer trust can be very difficult to recover. The right cybersecurity awareness training can help you better ensure the security of your customers’ data, which, in turn, helps to protect your company’s reputation.